“Peace For Our Time” N. Chamberlain September 30, 1938

Mr. Trump has just declared that North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat. This appears to be based solely on his belief that he can trust Kim Jong Un since nothing else has changed except that the United States is leaving South Korea while North Korea’s nuclear weapons are still there ready to be used. This reminds me of Neville Chamberlain’s claim following his meeting with Adolph Hitler at Munich in 1938 that we have “peace for our time”. That “peace” lasted less than one year.

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1 Response to “Peace For Our Time” N. Chamberlain September 30, 1938

  1. I doubt #45 even knows who Neville Chamberlain was … nor philosopher George Santayana: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
    Why has congress allowed him to remain in office? What more must he do before they can see him as he is?

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